Philadelphia Singles Complaints About Dating After the Loss of a Loved One

The loss of a spouse can be one of the most overwhelming and devastating things anyone can experience. You feel as though part of you is gone along with your spouse and in essence that is true. Recovering and returning to your life can feel like a hopeless task but it isn’t. Your spouse loved you and would want you to live your life to the fullest. One of the parts of moving on can be finding companionship and someone to love. Philadelphia Singles Complaints wants to give you some suggestions to help find the strength and courage to take a step forward and look for love again.


Take Time To Grieve

Experts all agree there is no set time for you to grieve the loss of your spouse and to be ready to look for love again.  Although experts have identified the four stages of healing – anger, sadness, fear and sorrow, there is no right or wrong way to grieve and no prescribed time. Philadelphia Singles Complaints wants you to take all the time you need. You will know when you are ready to begin your search for love. Many widows or widowers have complaints that they are lonely but just cannot bring themselves to look for another love. You need to be at the point where you remember you loved one fondly and the old feelings of sadness and loss have been dealt with.  Then you are ready to embrace your new possibilities!


Men and Women Are Different

There is no denying that men and women are different. They react differently to everything from a sitcom on the television to whether they need a sports car or a minivan. Recovering for the loss of a loved one is no different. Healing from your loss does not mean forgetting you loved one or pretending they never existed. It means you can think of that person and remember the good times, you still feel the loss but it is not debilitating. The most important thing you can be aware of is that women tend to hide away and isolate themselves to put off reengaging with the opposite sex out of feelings of guilt. While Philadelphia Singles Complaints notes that men tend to jump right back into dating without giving themselves enough time to heal. In either case, the results can be disastrous. Take your time to heal and pay attention to your feelings. You will know when you are ready and then you can make the most of your new adventure.


Know What You Want

Knowing what you are looking for in your dating experience is important before you begin. This is a whole new experience for you and starting on the right foot is absolutely essential to your success. Philadelphia Singles Complaints has already explained some of the differences between men and women but of course that is not all there is. Men need companionship almost right away after suffering a loss. The feelings of being part of a couple is what they have come to associate with being whole. Women, on the other hand, tend to fear the sexual intimacy of an exclusive relationship. Part of dating again is finding the person that fits with your goals for the future and you cannot do that unless you experience a variety. Philadelphia Singles Complaints suggests dating several different people casually to see what works for you. Have fun and enjoy the new experiences available to you! Then you will be certain when you find that new special person!


Look Forward

Memories are wonderful things and the experiences that created those memories have made you the wonderful person you are today but you have to live in the present and look to the future. Your spouse was a wonderful part of your life and Philadelphia Singles Complaints wants to remind you that you are not looking for a replacement for him/her. Most complaints come when you try to make your new reality live up to the memories, that is a recipe for disaster.  Over time if not careful we tend to idolize the deceased spouse and build comparisons that are impossible to live up to. Always be objective and consider the feelings of the new person in your life do not expect them to live up to a ghost.

This is new for both of you! Building a new rewarding relationship takes time and effort. When you are ready it will be a beautiful and fulfilling experience to have a new love in your life!

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